IU Music Live is a video streaming project I started in 2008. Initially I had two goals:. the first was to to make the IU Opera Theater performances available to a wider audience, especially friends and family of the student performers who were unable to travel to Bloomington. Second, I also wanted to see if it was possible to serve high quality multi-camera video webcasts that maintained high production standards on a reasonable budget. I was also interested in making the web viewing experience interactive. The first webcasts featured simple chat, but in 2010 musicology students began live-blogging; adding historical and musical background information, and moderating discussion among viewers. For some webcasts I made mini-documentaries, interviews with the cast and cre, or background information on the opera, that played during intermission and are available from the on-demand streams. The project has seen great success. Since it’s inception, the site has had almost a half-million views and features 30 on-demand videos of operas and ballets, and orchestra, wind ensemble, and jazz band concerts.